2013年4月26日 星期五

Linode NextGen-CPU and RAM upgrade


自從這篇 網路升級發表之後,Linode又陸續發布了兩篇硬體升級的宣佈。整個Linode: NextGen計畫總共包含三個部份,第一次頻寬與網路設備的更新,其次是虛擬計算核心vCPU的增加,最後則是記憶體升級。

We’re investing millions to make your Linodes faster. Crazy faster. We’ve begun a refresh of 3/4 of our entire fleet to a new “NextGen” host hardware specification. And we’re upgrading all Linodes to 8 cores! Right now. As in all you need to do is reboot to double the computing power of your Linode.

原文:Linode NextGen: The Hardware

Ram Upgrade
We’re doubling the RAM on all of our plans. This upgrade is available to existing and new customers. New Linodes will automatically be created with the new resources. Existing Linodes will need to go through the Upgrade Queue to receive the upgrades.

記憶體的部份也是直接就乘以二,連最低方案也從512MB變成了 1G ,真是太佛心了。
原文:Linode NextGen: RAM Upgrade

Now plans
